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Abbreviations in Spanish

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases commonly used in writing and sometimes in speech. This lesson will introduce you to some common abbreviations in Spanish, their meanings, and how to use them. Examples and exercises are provided to help you practice.

Common Abbreviations and Their Meanings

  1. Sr. - Señor (Mr.)
  2. Sra. - Señora (Mrs.)
  3. Srta. - Señorita (Miss)
  4. Ud. - Usted (You, formal)
  5. Uds. - Ustedes (You all, formal)
  6. EE.UU. - Estados Unidos (United States)
  7. a.C. - antes de Cristo (before Christ, B.C.)
  8. d.C. - después de Cristo (after Christ, A.D.)
  9. Dr. - Doctor (Dr.)
  10. Dra. - Doctora (Dr., female)
  11. etc. - et cetera (and so on)
  12. pág. - página (page)
  13. tel. - teléfono (telephone)
  14. av. - avenida (avenue)
  15. c/ - calle (street)
  16. pto. - puerto (port)
  17. dpto. - departamento (department)
  18. aprox. - aproximadamente (approximately)
  19. adj. - adjetivo (adjective)
  20. sust. - sustantivo (noun)

Examples and Usage

  1. Sr. García vive en EE.UU. - Mr. García lives in the United States.
  2. La reunión es en la pág. 25 del libro. - The meeting is on page 25 of the book.
  3. El Dr. Martínez es muy conocido. - Dr. Martínez is very well-known.
  4. La cita es a las 10 a.m., aprox. - The appointment is at 10 a.m., approximately.
  5. La tienda está en av. Independencia. - The store is on Independence Avenue.

Master abbreviations and all Spanish grammar rules with our expertly crafted grammar series. These resources provide detailed explanations and practical examples, ensuring you understand and use abbreviations accurately. Enhance your Spanish language skills and communicate with confidence.


Exercise 1: Match the Abbreviations with Their Meanings

Match each abbreviation with its correct meaning.

  1. Sr.
  2. a.C.
  3. Dra.
  4. pág.
  5. tel.

a. teléfono
b. antes de Cristo
c. página
d. Señor
e. Doctora

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct abbreviation.

  1. El _______ (Doctor) Ramírez está en el hospital.
  2. La dirección es _______ (avenida) Libertad, 123.
  3. Mi hermana vive en los _______ (Estados Unidos).
  4. La cita es con la _______ (Señora) Pérez.
  5. El número de _______ (teléfono) es 555-1234.

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish, using the correct abbreviations.

  1. Mr. López is from Spain.
  2. The document is on page 10.
  3. The meeting is approximately at 3 p.m.
  4. Mrs. Rodríguez is a doctor.
  5. The letter is addressed to Miss Sánchez.

Exercise 4: Form Sentences

Create sentences in Spanish using the following abbreviations.

  1. Dr.
  2. Sra.
  3. EE.UU.
  4. aprox.
  5. pág.

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books