Title of the document

Airport Vocabulary in Spanish


Learning airport vocabulary is essential for traveling, navigating airports, and understanding flight-related announcements. This lesson will introduce you to common airport terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Airport Vocabulary

  • Airport - el aeropuerto
  • Airplane - el avión
  • Flight - el vuelo
  • Boarding pass - la tarjeta de embarque
  • Luggage - el equipaje
  • Suitcase - la maleta
  • Carry-on - el equipaje de mano
  • Check-in counter - el mostrador de facturación
  • Security check - el control de seguridad
  • Gate - la puerta de embarque
  • Terminal - la terminal
  • Departure - la salida
  • Arrival - la llegada
  • Boarding - el embarque
  • Landing - el aterrizaje
  • Runway - la pista
  • Customs - la aduana
  • Immigration - la inmigración
  • Baggage claim - la recogida de equipajes
  • Lost and found - los objetos perdidos
  • Delay - el retraso
  • On time - a tiempo
  • Cancelled - cancelado
  • Passenger - el pasajero / la pasajera
  • Crew - la tripulación
  • Pilot - el piloto
  • Flight attendant - el asistente de vuelo / la asistente de vuelo
  • Ticket - el billete / el boleto

Pronunciation Guide

  • El aeropuerto: [el a-e-ro-PWER-to]
  • El avión: [el a-BYON]
  • El vuelo: [el BWE-lo]
  • La tarjeta de embarque: [la tar-HET-a de em-BAR-ke]
  • El equipaje: [el e-kee-PA-he]
  • La maleta: [la ma-LE-ta]
  • El equipaje de mano: [el e-kee-PA-he de MA-no]
  • El mostrador de facturación: [el mos-tra-DOR de fak-tu-ra-SYON]
  • El control de seguridad: [el kon-TROL de se-gur-i-DAD]
  • La puerta de embarque: [la PWER-ta de em-BAR-ke]
  • La terminal: [la ter-mee-NAL]
  • La salida: [la sa-LEE-da]
  • La llegada: [la ye-GA-da]
  • El embarque: [el em-BAR-ke]
  • El aterrizaje: [el a-te-rree-SA-he]
  • La pista: [la PEES-ta]
  • La aduana: [la a-DWA-na]
  • La inmigración: [la in-mee-gra-SYON]
  • La recogida de equipajes: [la re-ko-HEE-da de e-kee-PA-hes]
  • Los objetos perdidos: [los ob-HE-tos per-DEE-dos]
  • El retraso: [el re-TRA-so]
  • A tiempo: [a TYEM-po]
  • Cancelado: [kan-se-LA-do]
  • El pasajero / la pasajera: [el pa-sa-HAY-ro / la pa-sa-HAY-ra]
  • La tripulación: [la tree-pu-la-SYON]
  • El piloto: [el pee-LO-to]
  • El asistente de vuelo / la asistente de vuelo: [el a-sees-TEN-te de BWE-lo / la a-sees-TEN-te de BWE-lo]
  • El billete / el boleto: [el bee-YE-te / el bo-LE-to]

Master airport vocabulary with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential terms and dialogues for navigating airports, ensuring you can confidently discuss flights, check-ins, and travel procedures.

Common Phrases Using Airport Vocabulary

  1. ¿Dónde está el aeropuerto? - Where is the airport?
  2. Tengo mi tarjeta de embarque - I have my boarding pass.
  3. ¿Dónde puedo facturar mi equipaje? - Where can I check in my luggage?
  4. El vuelo está retrasado - The flight is delayed.
  5. Vamos a la puerta de embarque - Let's go to the boarding gate.
  6. La terminal está llena de pasajeros - The terminal is full of passengers.
  7. El avión aterrizó a tiempo - The airplane landed on time.
  8. Pasé por el control de seguridad - I passed through security check.
  9. Recogemos las maletas en la recogida de equipajes - We pick up the suitcases at baggage claim.
  10. El piloto y la tripulación están listos para despegar - The pilot and the crew are ready for takeoff.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct airport vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Airport - _____
  2. Boarding pass - _____
  3. Luggage - _____
  4. Gate - _____
  5. Pilot - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Airplane
  2. Check-in counter
  3. Departure
  4. Arrival
  5. Flight attendant

a. el vuelo
b. la llegada
c. el avión
d. el mostrador de facturación
e. el asistente de vuelo / la asistente de vuelo

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. Where is the boarding gate?
  2. The flight is on time.
  3. I passed through customs.
  4. The luggage is at baggage claim.
  5. The flight is cancelled.

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books