Body Parts Vocabulary in Spanish
Learning body parts vocabulary is essential for discussing health, describing physical appearances, and understanding medical contexts. This lesson will introduce you to common body parts terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.
Common Body Parts Vocabulary
- Head - la cabeza
- Face - la cara
- Eye - el ojo
- Nose - la nariz
- Mouth - la boca
- Ear - la oreja
- Tooth - el diente
- Tongue - la lengua
- Neck - el cuello
- Shoulder - el hombro
- Arm - el brazo
- Elbow - el codo
- Hand - la mano
- Finger - el dedo
- Chest - el pecho
- Back - la espalda
- Stomach - el estómago
- Leg - la pierna
- Knee - la rodilla
- Foot - el pie
- Ankle - el tobillo
- Toe - el dedo del pie
- Heart - el corazón
- Brain - el cerebro
- Skin - la piel
- Bone - el hueso
- Muscle - el músculo
Pronunciation Guide
- La cabeza: [la ka-BE-sa]
- La cara: [la KA-ra]
- El ojo: [el O-ho]
- La nariz: [la na-REES]
- La boca: [la BO-ka]
- La oreja: [la o-RE-ha]
- El diente: [el DYEN-te]
- La lengua: [la LEN-gwa]
- El cuello: [el KWE-yo]
- El hombro: [el OM-bro]
- El brazo: [el BRA-so]
- El codo: [el KO-do]
- La mano: [la MA-no]
- El dedo: [el DE-do]
- El pecho: [el PE-cho]
- La espalda: [la es-PAL-da]
- El estómago: [el es-TO-ma-go]
- La pierna: [la PYE-rna]
- La rodilla: [la ro-DEE-ya]
- El pie: [el PYE]
- El tobillo: [el to-BEE-yo]
- El dedo del pie: [el DE-do del PYE]
- El corazón: [el ko-ra-SON]
- El cerebro: [el se-RE-bro]
- La piel: [la PYEHL]
- El hueso: [el WE-so]
- El músculo: [el MOOS-ku-lo]
Master body parts vocabulary with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential terms and dialogues for describing the human body, ensuring you can confidently discuss body parts, health, and medical conditions.
Common Phrases Using Body Parts Vocabulary
- Me duele la cabeza - My head hurts.
- Tengo dolor de estómago - I have a stomachache.
- Ella tiene ojos azules - She has blue eyes.
- Él se rompió la pierna - He broke his leg.
- Lávate las manos - Wash your hands.
- El corazón late rápido - The heart beats fast.
- Me lastimé el codo - I hurt my elbow.
- El niño se cepilla los dientes - The boy brushes his teeth.
- Ella lleva un anillo en el dedo - She wears a ring on her finger.
- El atleta tiene músculos fuertes - The athlete has strong muscles.
Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct body parts vocabulary in Spanish.
- Head - _____
- Eye - _____
- Arm - _____
- Knee - _____
- Foot - _____
Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary
Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.
- Hand
- Shoulder
- Nose
- Mouth
- Leg
a. la pierna
b. la nariz
c. la boca
d. la mano
e. el hombro
Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
- My head hurts.
- She has blue eyes.
- He broke his arm.
- Wash your hands.
- The athlete has strong muscles.