Title of the document

Days of the Week in Spanish

Knowing the days of the week is essential for everyday conversations and planning in any language. In Spanish, the days of the week are straightforward to learn. This lesson will cover the days of the week, their pronunciation, common phrases, and provide exercises to help you practice.

Days of the Week

  • Monday - lunes
  • Tuesday - martes
  • Wednesday - miércoles
  • Thursday - jueves
  • Friday - viernes
  • Saturday - sábado
  • Sunday - domingo

Pronunciation Guide

  • Lunes: [LOO-nes]
  • Martes: [MAR-tes]
  • Miércoles: [mee-ER-co-les]
  • Jueves: [HWE-ves]
  • Viernes: [BYER-nes]
  • Sábado: [SA-ba-do]
  • Domingo: [do-MEEN-go]

Common Phrases Using Days of the Week

  1. Hoy es lunes - Today is Monday.
  2. Mañana es martes - Tomorrow is Tuesday.
  3. Ayer fue miércoles - Yesterday was Wednesday.
  4. El jueves tengo una cita - On Thursday, I have an appointment.
  5. El viernes vamos al cine - On Friday, we go to the cinema.
  6. El sábado es mi día favorito - Saturday is my favorite day.
  7. El domingo descansamos - On Sunday, we rest.
  8. La reunión es el lunes - The meeting is on Monday.
  9. Trabajo de lunes a viernes - I work from Monday to Friday.
  10. El fin de semana es sábado y domingo - The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct day of the week in Spanish.

  1. Monday - _____
  2. Wednesday - _____
  3. Friday - _____
  4. Sunday - _____
  5. Thursday - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Days

Match the English days with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Tuesday
  2. Saturday
  3. Thursday
  4. Sunday
  5. Wednesday

a. domingo
b. martes
c. sábado
d. jueves
e. miércoles

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I work on Monday.
  2. We have a meeting on Wednesday.
  3. She goes to the gym on Friday.
  4. They visit their grandparents on Sunday.
  5. He studies Spanish on Tuesday and Thursday.

Exercise 4: Write the Days

Write the Spanish names for the following days.

  1. Thursday
  2. Monday
  3. Saturday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Tuesday

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books