Title of the document

Food and Drink Vocabulary in Spanish

Learning the vocabulary for food and drink is essential for everyday conversations, especially when dining out or shopping for groceries. This lesson will introduce you to common food and drink terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Food Vocabulary

  • Bread - el pan
  • Cheese - el queso
  • Chicken - el pollo
  • Fish - el pescado
  • Meat - la carne
  • Rice - el arroz
  • Salad - la ensalada
  • Soup - la sopa
  • Vegetables - las verduras
  • Fruits - las frutas
  • Apple - la manzana
  • Banana - el plátano
  • Orange - la naranja
  • Grapes - las uvas
  • Strawberry - la fresa
  • Potato - la papa
  • Tomato - el tomate
  • Onion - la cebolla

Common Drink Vocabulary

  • Water - el agua
  • Juice - el jugo
  • Milk - la leche
  • Coffee - el café
  • Tea - el té
  • Wine - el vino
  • Beer - la cerveza
  • Soda - el refresco

Pronunciation Guide

  • El pan: [el PAHN]
  • El queso: [el KEH-so]
  • El pollo: [el PO-yo]
  • El pescado: [el pes-KA-do]
  • La carne: [la KAR-ne]
  • El arroz: [el a-ROHS]
  • La ensalada: [la en-sa-LA-da]
  • La sopa: [la SO-pa]
  • Las verduras: [las ver-DU-ras]
  • Las frutas: [las FROO-tas]
  • La manzana: [la man-SA-na]
  • El plátano: [el PLA-ta-no]
  • La naranja: [la na-RAN-ha]
  • Las uvas: [las OO-vas]
  • La fresa: [la FRE-sa]
  • La papa: [la PA-pa]
  • El tomate: [el to-MA-te]
  • La cebolla: [la se-BO-ya]
  • El agua: [el A-gua]
  • El jugo: [el HOO-go]
  • La leche: [la LE-che]
  • El café: [el ka-FE]
  • El té: [el TE]
  • El vino: [el VEE-no]
  • La cerveza: [la ser-VE-sa]
  • El refresco: [el re-FRES-ko]

Common Phrases Using Food and Drink Vocabulary

  1. Me gusta comer pollo - I like to eat chicken.
  2. Quiero una ensalada de tomate - I want a tomato salad.
  3. ¿Tienes agua? - Do you have water?
  4. Prefiero el jugo de naranja - I prefer orange juice.
  5. Voy a comprar pan y leche - I am going to buy bread and milk.
  6. El café está caliente - The coffee is hot.
  7. La sopa de verduras es deliciosa - The vegetable soup is delicious.
  8. Las uvas están frescas - The grapes are fresh.
  9. Me encanta el queso - I love cheese.
  10. ¿Quieres una cerveza? - Do you want a beer?

Learn all about food and drink in practical and conversational books for learning the Spanish language, along with all the sentences and dialogues necessary to discuss numbers.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct food or drink vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Bread - _____
  2. Chicken - _____
  3. Water - _____
  4. Apple - _____
  5. Juice - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Cheese
  2. Fish
  3. Salad
  4. Milk
  5. Beer

a. la leche
b. la cerveza
c. el queso
d. el pescado
e. la ensalada

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I like to eat fish.
  2. She prefers grape juice.
  3. We want to buy potatoes and onions.
  4. The tea is cold.
  5. They drink wine at dinner.

Exercise 4: Write the Vocabulary

Write the Spanish names for the following food and drink items.

  1. Coffee
  2. Orange
  3. Meat
  4. Rice
  5. Strawberry

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books