Title of the document

Hospital Vocabulary in Spanish


Learning hospital vocabulary is essential for discussing health, understanding medical instructions, and navigating healthcare settings in Spanish-speaking areas. This lesson will introduce you to common hospital terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Hospital Vocabulary

  • Hospital - el hospital
  • Doctor - el doctor / el médico
  • Nurse - la enfermera / el enfermero
  • Patient - el paciente / la paciente
  • Appointment - la cita
  • Emergency room - la sala de emergencias
  • Operating room - el quirófano
  • Intensive care unit (ICU) - la unidad de cuidados intensivos
  • Reception - la recepción
  • Waiting room - la sala de espera
  • Pharmacy - la farmacia
  • Prescription - la receta
  • Medicine - la medicina
  • Injection - la inyección
  • Blood test - el análisis de sangre
  • X-ray - la radiografía
  • Surgery - la cirugía
  • Cast - el yeso
  • Bandage - la venda
  • Thermometer - el termómetro
  • Blood pressure - la presión arterial
  • Stethoscope - el estetoscopio
  • Wheelchair - la silla de ruedas
  • Bed - la cama
  • Pain - el dolor
  • Fever - la fiebre
  • Cough - la tos
  • Cold - el resfriado
  • Allergy - la alergia
  • Infection - la infección

Pronunciation Guide

  • El hospital: [el os-pee-TAL]
  • El doctor / el médico: [el dok-TOR / el ME-dee-ko]
  • La enfermera / el enfermero: [la en-fer-ME-ra / el en-fer-ME-ro]
  • El paciente / la paciente: [el pa-SYEN-te / la pa-SYEN-te]
  • La cita: [la SEE-ta]
  • La sala de emergencias: [la SA-la de e-mer-HEN-syas]
  • El quirófano: [el kee-RO-fa-no]
  • La unidad de cuidados intensivos: [la oo-nee-DAD de kwee-DA-dos in-ten-SEE-vos]
  • La recepción: [la re-sep-SYON]
  • La sala de espera: [la SA-la de es-PE-ra]
  • La farmacia: [la far-MA-sya]
  • La receta: [la re-SE-ta]
  • La medicina: [la me-dee-SEE-na]
  • La inyección: [la een-yek-SYON]
  • El análisis de sangre: [el a-NA-lee-sees de SAN-gre]
  • La radiografía: [la ra-dyo-gra-FEE-a]
  • La cirugía: [la see-roo-HEE-a]
  • El yeso: [el YE-so]
  • La venda: [la BEN-da]
  • El termómetro: [el ter-MO-me-tro]
  • La presión arterial: [la pre-SYON ar-te-REE-al]
  • El estetoscopio: [el es-te-to-SKO-pee-o]
  • La silla de ruedas: [la SEE-ya de RWE-das]
  • La cama: [la KA-ma]
  • El dolor: [el do-LOR]
  • La fiebre: [la FYE-bre]
  • La tos: [la tos]
  • El resfriado: [el res-free-A-do]
  • La alergia: [la a-LER-hya]
  • La infección: [la in-fek-SYON]

Master hospital vocabulary with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential terms and dialogues for medical situations, ensuring you can confidently describe symptoms, interact with healthcare professionals, and discuss treatments.

Common Phrases Using Hospital Vocabulary

  1. Tengo una cita con el doctor - I have an appointment with the doctor.
  2. Necesito ir a la sala de emergencias - I need to go to the emergency room.
  3. La enfermera es muy amable - The nurse is very kind.
  4. El paciente está en la sala de espera - The patient is in the waiting room.
  5. ¿Dónde está la farmacia? - Where is the pharmacy?
  6. Tengo dolor de cabeza - I have a headache.
  7. ¿Puede darme una receta? - Can you give me a prescription?
  8. Necesito una radiografía - I need an X-ray.
  9. El doctor está en el quirófano - The doctor is in the operating room.
  10. Ella tiene fiebre y tos - She has a fever and cough.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct hospital vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Doctor - _____
  2. Nurse - _____
  3. Patient - _____
  4. Prescription - _____
  5. Emergency room - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Surgery
  2. Cast
  3. Medicine
  4. Bandage
  5. Blood test

a. el análisis de sangre
b. la cirugía
c. el yeso
d. la medicina
e. la venda

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I have an appointment with the doctor.
  2. Where is the emergency room?
  3. The nurse is very kind.
  4. I need a prescription for this medicine.
  5. The patient is in the waiting room.

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books