Title of the document

Hotel Vocabulary in Spanish


Learning hotel vocabulary is essential for discussing accommodations, making reservations, and understanding services in Spanish-speaking areas. This lesson will introduce you to common hotel terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Hotel Vocabulary

  • Hotel - el hotel
  • Room - la habitación / el cuarto
  • Reservation - la reserva
  • Reception - la recepción
  • Receptionist - el recepcionista / la recepcionista
  • Guest - el huésped / la huéspeda
  • Key - la llave
  • Elevator - el ascensor
  • Stairs - las escaleras
  • Floor - el piso
  • Check-in - el registro
  • Check-out - la salida
  • Lobby - el vestíbulo
  • Luggage - el equipaje
  • Suite - la suite
  • Single room - la habitación individual
  • Double room - la habitación doble
  • Bed - la cama
  • Bathroom - el baño
  • Shower - la ducha
  • Towels - las toallas
  • Soap - el jabón
  • Shampoo - el champú
  • Air conditioning - el aire acondicionado
  • Heating - la calefacción
  • Wi-Fi - el wifi
  • Television - la televisión
  • Minibar - el minibar
  • Breakfast - el desayuno
  • Restaurant - el restaurante
  • Room service - el servicio de habitaciones
  • Swimming pool - la piscina
  • Gym - el gimnasio

Pronunciation Guide

  • El hotel: [el o-TEL]
  • La habitación / el cuarto: [la a-bee-ta-SYON / el KWAR-to]
  • La reserva: [la re-SER-va]
  • La recepción: [la re-sep-SYON]
  • El recepcionista / la recepcionista: [el re-sep-syo-NEES-ta / la re-sep-syo-NEES-ta]
  • El huésped / la huéspeda: [el WES-ped / la WES-pe-da]
  • La llave: [la YA-ve]
  • El ascensor: [el a-sen-SOR]
  • Las escaleras: [las es-ka-LE-ras]
  • El piso: [el PEE-so]
  • El registro: [el re-HEES-tro]
  • La salida: [la sa-LEE-da]
  • El vestíbulo: [el ves-TEE-boo-lo]
  • El equipaje: [el e-kee-PA-he]
  • La suite: [la SWEET]
  • La habitación individual: [la a-bee-ta-SYON in-dee-bee-DWAL]
  • La habitación doble: [la a-bee-ta-SYON DO-ble]
  • La cama: [la KA-ma]
  • El baño: [el BA-nyo]
  • La ducha: [la DOO-cha]
  • Las toallas: [las to-A-yas]
  • El jabón: [el ha-BON]
  • El champú: [el cham-POO]
  • El aire acondicionado: [el AI-re a-kon-dee-syo-NA-do]
  • La calefacción: [la ka-le-fak-SYON]
  • El wifi: [el WEE-fee]
  • La televisión: [la te-le-bee-SYON]
  • El minibar: [el mee-nee-BAR]
  • El desayuno: [el de-sa-YU-no]
  • El restaurante: [el res-taw-RAN-te]
  • El servicio de habitaciones: [el ser-BEE-syo de a-bee-ta-SYON-es]
  • La piscina: [la pee-SEE-na]
  • El gimnasio: [el heem-NA-syo]

Master hotel vocabulary with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential terms and dialogues for staying at hotels, ensuring you can confidently make reservations, check in, and discuss amenities

Common Phrases Using Hotel Vocabulary

  1. ¿Tiene una habitación disponible? - Do you have a room available?
  2. Quisiera hacer una reserva - I would like to make a reservation.
  3. Necesito una habitación para dos personas - I need a room for two people.
  4. ¿Dónde está la recepción? - Where is the reception?
  5. El ascensor está a la derecha - The elevator is on the right.
  6. La llave de la habitación, por favor - The room key, please.
  7. El desayuno está incluido - The breakfast is included.
  8. ¿A qué hora es el check-out? - What time is check-out?
  9. Hay wifi gratuito en el hotel - There is free wifi in the hotel.
  10. Necesito toallas adicionales, por favor - I need additional towels, please.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct hotel vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Room - _____
  2. Reservation - _____
  3. Key - _____
  4. Check-in - _____
  5. Luggage - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Elevator
  2. Restaurant
  3. Bathroom
  4. Gym
  5. Breakfast

a. el gimnasio
b. el baño
c. el ascensor
d. el restaurante
e. el desayuno

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I would like to make a reservation.
  2. Do you have a room available?
  3. Where is the reception?
  4. The elevator is on the left.
  5. What time is check-out?

Exercise 4: Write the Vocabulary

Write the Spanish names for the following hotel-related items.

  1. Towels
  2. Shower
  3. Air conditioning
  4. Television
  5. Minibar

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books