House Vocabulary in Spanish
Learning house-related vocabulary is essential for discussing your living space, household items, and everyday activities. This lesson will introduce you to common house terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.
Common House Vocabulary
- House - la casa
- Apartment - el apartamento
- Room - la habitación / el cuarto
- Kitchen - la cocina
- Living room - la sala de estar
- Bedroom - el dormitorio
- Bathroom - el baño
- Dining room - el comedor
- Garden - el jardín
- Garage - el garaje
- Balcony - el balcón
- Roof - el techo
- Door - la puerta
- Window - la ventana
- Floor - el piso
- Ceiling - el techo
- Wall - la pared
- Stairs - las escaleras
- Hallway - el pasillo
- Closet - el armario
- Furniture - los muebles
- Table - la mesa
- Chair - la silla
- Sofa - el sofá
- Bed - la cama
- Lamp - la lámpara
- Television - el televisor
- Refrigerator - el refrigerador
- Oven - el horno
- Microwave - el microondas
- Dishwasher - el lavaplatos
- Sink - el fregadero
- Shower - la ducha
- Bathtub - la bañera
- Toilet - el inodoro
- Mirror - el espejo
- Carpet - la alfombra
Pronunciation Guide
- La casa: [la KA-sa]
- El apartamento: [el a-par-ta-MEN-to]
- La habitación / el cuarto: [la a-bee-ta-SYON / el KWAR-to]
- La cocina: [la ko-SEE-na]
- La sala de estar: [la SA-la de es-TAR]
- El dormitorio: [el dor-mee-TO-ree-o]
- El baño: [el BA-nyo]
- El comedor: [el ko-me-DOR]
- El jardín: [el har-DEEN]
- El garaje: [el ga-RA-he]
- El balcón: [el bal-KON]
- El techo: [el TE-cho]
- La puerta: [la PWER-ta]
- La ventana: [la ben-TA-na]
- El piso: [el PEE-so]
- La pared: [la pa-RED]
- Las escaleras: [las es-ka-LE-ras]
- El pasillo: [el pa-SEE-yo]
- El armario: [el ar-MA-ree-o]
- Los muebles: [los MWEH-bles]
- La mesa: [la ME-sa]
- La silla: [la SEE-ya]
- El sofá: [el so-FA]
- La cama: [la KA-ma]
- La lámpara: [la LAM-pa-ra]
- El televisor: [el te-le-vee-SOR]
- El refrigerador: [el re-free-he-ra-DOR]
- El horno: [el OR-no]
- El microondas: [el mee-kro-ON-das]
- El lavaplatos: [el la-va-PLA-tos]
- El fregadero: [el fre-ga-DE-ro]
- La ducha: [la DOO-cha]
- La bañera: [la ba-NYE-ra]
- El inodoro: [el ee-no-DO-ro]
- El espejo: [el es-PE-ho]
- La alfombra: [la al-FOM-bra]
Learn all about house vocabulary with practical and conversational books designed to enhance your Spanish language skills. These resources cover a wide range of vocabulary related to different parts of the house, furniture, and household items, along with essential sentences and dialogues. Whether you're describing rooms, discussing household chores, or talking about home maintenance, these books offer comprehensive coverage. They also provide the necessary language tools to discuss numbers, ensuring you can engage in detailed conversations about houses confidently.
Common Phrases Using House Vocabulary
- Mi casa es tu casa - My house is your house.
- La cocina está limpia - The kitchen is clean.
- Voy a mi dormitorio - I am going to my bedroom.
- La sala de estar es muy cómoda - The living room is very comfortable.
- El baño está ocupado - The bathroom is occupied.
- Comemos en el comedor - We eat in the dining room.
- El jardín tiene muchas flores - The garden has many flowers.
- El televisor está en la sala - The television is in the living room.
- La lámpara está sobre la mesa - The lamp is on the table.
- El refrigerador está en la cocina - The refrigerator is in the kitchen.
Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct house vocabulary in Spanish.
- House - _____
- Kitchen - _____
- Bedroom - _____
- Bathroom - _____
- Garden - _____
Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary
Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.
- Sofa
- Window
- Refrigerator
- Chair
- Shower
a. la ducha
b. el refrigerador
c. la silla
d. el sofá
e. la ventana
Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
- The bedroom is upstairs.
- The kitchen is clean.
- The garden is beautiful.
- The bathroom is on the right.
- The sofa is in the living room.
Exercise 4: Write the Vocabulary
Write the Spanish names for the following house-related items.
- Table
- Bed
- Lamp
- Door
- Carpet