Title of the document

Months of the Year in Spanish


Learning the months of the year is essential for discussing dates, events, and seasons in any language. This lesson will guide you through the months of the year in Spanish, their pronunciation, common phrases, and provide exercises to reinforce your learning.

Months of the Year

  • January - enero
  • February - febrero
  • March - marzo
  • April - abril
  • May - mayo
  • June - junio
  • July - julio
  • August - agosto
  • September - septiembre
  • October - octubre
  • November - noviembre
  • December - diciembre

Pronunciation Guide

  • Enero: [e-NEH-ro]
  • Febrero: [fe-BREH-ro]
  • Marzo: [MAR-so]
  • Abril: [a-BREEL]
  • Mayo: [MY-yo]
  • Junio: [HOO-nee-o]
  • Julio: [HOO-lyo]
  • Agosto: [a-GOS-to]
  • Septiembre: [sep-TYEHM-bre]
  • Octubre: [ok-TOO-bre]
  • Noviembre: [no-VYEHM-bre]
  • Diciembre: [dee-SYEHM-bre]

Common Phrases Using Months of the Year

  1. Mi cumpleaños es en enero - My birthday is in January.
  2. Vamos de vacaciones en julio - We go on vacation in July.
  3. El año escolar empieza en septiembre - The school year starts in September.
  4. El festival es en octubre - The festival is in October.
  5. La Navidad es en diciembre - Christmas is in December.
  6. El año nuevo es en enero - New Year is in January.
  7. La primavera comienza en marzo - Spring begins in March.
  8. El verano comienza en junio - Summer begins in June.
  9. El otoño comienza en septiembre - Fall begins in September.
  10. El invierno comienza en diciembre - Winter begins in December.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct month of the year in Spanish.

  1. January - _____
  2. April - _____
  3. July - _____
  4. October - _____
  5. December - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Months

Match the English months with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. February
  2. May
  3. August
  4. November
  5. March

a. noviembre
b. marzo
c. febrero
d. mayo
e. agosto

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. My birthday is in February.
  2. We travel in August.
  3. The conference is in May.
  4. He starts his job in November.
  5. The concert is in June.

Exercise 4: Write the Months

Write the Spanish names for the following months.

  1. October
  2. January
  3. April
  4. July
  5. September

Exercise 5: Listening Comprehension

Listen to the audio and write down the months of the year you hear in Spanish. (Provide an audio file or link for this exercise)

Exercise 6: Complete the Phrases

Complete the following phrases with the correct month of the year in Spanish.

  1. Mi cumpleaños es en _____ (My birthday is in January).
  2. Vamos de vacaciones en _____ (We go on vacation in July).
  3. El año escolar empieza en _____ (The school year starts in September).
  4. El festival es en _____ (The festival is in October).
  5. La Navidad es en _____ (Christmas is in December).

Exercise 7: Sentence Formation

Form sentences using the months of the year and the following activities.

  1. Viajar (travel)
  2. Celebrar un cumpleaños (celebrate a birthday)
  3. Empezar el colegio (start school)
  4. Tener un evento (have an event)
  5. Disfrutar de la primavera (enjoy spring)

Example: Viajo en agosto.


Learning the months of the year in Spanish will help you talk about dates, plan events, and understand the calendar. Practice these exercises to reinforce your learning and use these words in your daily conversations.

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books