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Places, Street, and Directions Vocabulary in Spanish

Learning vocabulary related to places, streets, and directions is essential for navigating and understanding locations in Spanish-speaking areas. This lesson will introduce you to common terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Places Vocabulary

  • School - la escuela
  • Hospital - el hospital
  • Bank - el banco
  • Post office - la oficina de correos
  • Supermarket - el supermercado
  • Restaurant - el restaurante
  • Park - el parque
  • Hotel - el hotel
  • Library - la biblioteca
  • Pharmacy - la farmacia
  • Police station - la comisaría
  • Fire station - la estación de bomberos
  • Train station - la estación de tren
  • Bus station - la estación de autobuses
  • Airport - el aeropuerto
  • Mall - el centro comercial
  • Church - la iglesia
  • Museum - el museo
  • Theater - el teatro
  • Cinema - el cine

Common Street and Directions Vocabulary

  • Street - la calle
  • Avenue - la avenida
  • Boulevard - el bulevar
  • Road - la carretera
  • Highway - la autopista
  • Corner - la esquina
  • Intersection - la intersección
  • Traffic light - el semáforo
  • Stop sign - la señal de stop
  • Roundabout - la rotonda
  • Sidewalk - la acera
  • Pedestrian crossing - el paso de peatones
  • Bridge - el puente
  • Tunnel - el túnel

Directions Vocabulary

  • Left - izquierda
  • Right - derecha
  • Straight - recto / derecho
  • North - norte
  • South - sur
  • East - este
  • West - oeste
  • Near - cerca
  • Far - lejos
  • Here - aquí
  • There - allí
  • In front of - delante de
  • Behind - detrás de
  • Next to - al lado de
  • Between - entre
  • Across from - enfrente de
  • Around the corner - a la vuelta de la esquina

Learn all about places, streets, and directions with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential vocabulary and dialogues for navigating and describing locations, ensuring you can confidently discuss directions and places.

Pronunciation Guide
  • La escuela: [la es-KWE-la]
  • El hospital: [el os-pee-TAL]
  • El banco: [el BAN-ko]
  • La oficina de correos: [la o-fee-SEE-na de ko-RE-os]
  • El supermercado: [el soo-per-meh-RKA-do]
  • El restaurante: [el res-taw-RAN-te]
  • El parque: [el PAR-ke]
  • El hotel: [el o-TEL]
  • La biblioteca: [la bee-blee-o-TE-ka]
  • La farmacia: [la far-MA-see-a]
  • La comisaría: [la ko-mee-sa-REE-a]
  • La estación de bomberos: [la es-ta-SYON de bom-BE-ros]
  • La estación de tren: [la es-ta-SYON de tren]
  • La estación de autobuses: [la es-ta-SYON de ow-to-BOO-ses]
  • El aeropuerto: [el ai-ro-PWER-to]
  • El centro comercial: [el SEN-tro ko-mehr-SYAL]
  • La iglesia: [la ee-GLE-sya]
  • El museo: [el moo-SE-o]
  • El teatro: [el te-A-tro]
  • El cine: [el SEE-ne]
  • La calle: [la KA-ye]
  • La avenida: [la a-ve-NEE-da]
  • El bulevar: [el boo-leh-VAR]
  • La carretera: [la ka-rre-TE-ra]
  • La autopista: [la ow-to-PEES-ta]
  • La esquina: [la es-KEE-na]
  • La intersección: [la een-ter-sek-SYON]
  • El semáforo: [el se-MA-fo-ro]
  • La señal de stop: [la se-NYAL de stop]
  • La rotonda: [la ro-TON-da]
  • La acera: [la a-SE-ra]
  • El paso de peatones: [el PA-so de pea-TO-nes]
  • El puente: [el PWEN-te]
  • El túnel: [el TOO-nel]
  • Izquierda: [ees-KYER-da]
  • Derecha: [de-RE-cha]
  • Recto / Derecho: [REK-to / de-RE-cho]
  • Norte: [NOR-te]
  • Sur: [SOOR]
  • Este: [ES-te]
  • Oeste: [o-ES-te]
  • Cerca: [SER-ka]
  • Lejos: [LE-hos]
  • Aquí: [a-KEE]
  • Allí: [a-YEE]
  • Delante de: [de-LAN-te de]
  • Detrás de: [de-TRAS de]
  • Al lado de: [al LA-do de]
  • Entre: [EN-tre]
  • Enfrente de: [en-FREN-te de]
  • A la vuelta de la esquina: [a la BWEL-ta de la es-KEE-na]

Common Phrases Using Places, Street, and Directions Vocabulary

  1. ¿Dónde está la estación de tren? - Where is the train station?
  2. Gire a la izquierda en la próxima esquina - Turn left at the next corner.
  3. El banco está al lado de la farmacia - The bank is next to the pharmacy.
  4. Siga recto hasta el semáforo - Go straight until the traffic light.
  5. La biblioteca está enfrente del parque - The library is across from the park.
  6. ¿Cómo llego al museo? - How do I get to the museum?
  7. El hotel está cerca del aeropuerto - The hotel is near the airport.
  8. La iglesia está a la derecha del teatro - The church is to the right of the theater.
  9. El restaurante está entre el supermercado y la comisaría - The restaurant is between the supermarket and the police station.
  10. Cruza el puente y verás el cine a tu izquierda - Cross the bridge and you will see the cinema on your left.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct place vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. School - _____
  2. Bank - _____
  3. Park - _____
  4. Hospital - _____
  5. Library - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Airport
  2. Restaurant
  3. Museum
  4. Post office
  5. Theater

a. el restaurante
b. el aeropuerto
c. la oficina de correos
d. el museo
e. el teatro

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. Where is the police station?
  2. Turn right at the traffic light.
  3. The supermarket is next to the pharmacy.
  4. Go straight until the roundabout.
  5. The hotel is near the airport.

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books