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Lesson Title: School Subjects Vocabulary in Spanish


Learning the vocabulary for school subjects is essential for discussing education, academic interests, and class schedules. This lesson will introduce you to common school subject terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common School Subjects Vocabulary

  • Mathematics - las matemáticas
  • Science - la ciencia
  • Biology - la biología
  • Chemistry - la química
  • Physics - la física
  • History - la historia
  • Geography - la geografía
  • Literature - la literatura
  • Language Arts - las artes del lenguaje
  • Spanish - el español
  • English - el inglés
  • French - el francés
  • Art - el arte
  • Music - la música
  • Physical Education (PE) - la educación física
  • Computer Science - la informática
  • Social Studies - los estudios sociales
  • Economics - la economía
  • Philosophy - la filosofía
  • Psychology - la psicología

Pronunciation Guide

  • Las matemáticas: [las ma-te-MA-ti-kas]
  • La ciencia: [la SYEN-sya]
  • La biología: [la byo-lo-HEE-a]
  • La química: [la KEE-mee-ka]
  • La física: [la FEE-see-ka]
  • La historia: [la ees-TOH-ree-a]
  • La geografía: [la he-o-gra-FEE-a]
  • La literatura: [la lee-te-ra-TOO-ra]
  • Las artes del lenguaje: [las AR-tes del len-GWA-he]
  • El español: [el es-pa-NYOL]
  • El inglés: [el een-GLES]
  • El francés: [el fran-SES]
  • El arte: [el AR-te]
  • La música: [la MOO-see-ka]
  • La educación física: [la e-doo-ka-SYON FEE-see-ka]
  • La informática: [la een-for-MA-ti-ka]
  • Los estudios sociales: [los es-TOO-dee-os so-SYA-les]
  • La economía: [la e-ko-no-MEE-a]
  • La filosofía: [la fee-lo-so-FEE-a]
  • La psicología: [la see-ko-lo-HEE-a]

Common Phrases Using School Subjects Vocabulary

  1. Me gusta estudiar matemáticas - I like to study mathematics.
  2. Mi asignatura favorita es la biología - My favorite subject is biology.
  3. Tenemos clase de historia a las diez - We have history class at ten.
  4. Él es bueno en química - He is good at chemistry.
  5. ¿Te gusta la literatura? - Do you like literature?
  6. La educación física es importante para la salud - Physical education is important for health.
  7. Estoy estudiando informática - I am studying computer science.
  8. La geografía es fascinante - Geography is fascinating.
  9. Ella enseña música en la escuela - She teaches music at school.
  10. Las artes del lenguaje ayudan a mejorar la comunicación - Language arts help improve communication.

Learn all about school materials, faculty, subjects, etc. in practical and conversational books for learning the Spanish language. These books also cover all the necessary sentences and dialogues related to discussing numbers.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct school subject vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Mathematics - _____
  2. Biology - _____
  3. History - _____
  4. Music - _____
  5. Physical Education - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Science
  2. Literature
  3. French
  4. Geography
  5. Psychology

a. la psicología
b. la geografía
c. la ciencia
d. la literatura
e. el francés

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I like to study physics.
  2. My favorite subject is Spanish.
  3. We have art class at two.
  4. She is good at economics.
  5. Do you like philosophy?

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books