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Spanish Pronouns

Learning pronouns in Spanish is essential for constructing sentences and conveying clear meaning. This lesson will introduce you to various types of Spanish pronouns, including subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, and reflexive pronouns. We'll also provide examples, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns replace the subject in a sentence. Here are the Spanish subject pronouns:

  • Yo - I
  • - You (informal)
  • Él - He
  • Ella - She
  • Usted - You (formal)
  • Nosotros/Nosotras - We (masculine/feminine)
  • Vosotros/Vosotras - You all (informal, masculine/feminine, used in Spain)
  • Ellos - They (masculine)
  • Ellas - They (feminine)
  • Ustedes - You all (formal, also used informally in Latin America)

Object Pronouns

Object pronouns replace the object in a sentence. They can be direct or indirect.

Direct Object Pronouns:

  • Me - Me
  • Te - You (informal)
  • Lo/La - Him/Her/It
  • Nos - Us
  • Os - You all (informal, used in Spain)
  • Los/Las - Them

Indirect Object Pronouns:

  • Me - Me
  • Te - You (informal)
  • Le - Him/Her/It
  • Nos - Us
  • Os - You all (informal, used in Spain)
  • Les - Them

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate ownership.

  • Mío/Mía - Mine
  • Tuyo/Tuya - Yours (informal)
  • Suyo/Suya - His/Hers/Yours (formal)
  • Nuestro/Nuestra - Ours
  • Vuestro/Vuestra - Yours (informal, used in Spain)
  • Suyo/Suya - Theirs/Yours (formal)

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs where the subject and the object are the same.

  • Me - Myself
  • Te - Yourself (informal)
  • Se - Himself/Herself/Itself/Yourself (formal)
  • Nos - Ourselves
  • Os - Yourselves (informal, used in Spain)
  • Se - Themselves/Yourselves (formal)

Examples and Common Phrases

Subject Pronouns

  1. Yo soy estudiante - I am a student.
  2. Tú eres mi amigo - You are my friend.
  3. Él trabaja aquí - He works here.
  4. Nosotros vamos al cine - We are going to the cinema.

Direct Object Pronouns

  1. Lo veo - I see him/it.
  2. Te quiero - I love you.
  3. Nos invitaron - They invited us.

Indirect Object Pronouns

  1. Le doy el libro - I give him/her the book.
  2. Nos compran regalos - They buy us gifts.
  3. Les digo la verdad - I tell them the truth.

Possessive Pronouns

  1. Este libro es mío - This book is mine.
  2. La casa es nuestra - The house is ours.
  3. El coche es suyo - The car is his/hers/yours/theirs.

Reflexive Pronouns

  1. Me lavo las manos - I wash my hands.
  2. Te peinas el cabello - You comb your hair.
  3. Se despiertan temprano - They wake up early.

Master Spanish pronouns with our series of grammar books designed to enhance your language skills. These resources cover essential rules and examples for correct pronoun usage, ensuring you can speak and write Spanish accurately and confidently. Additionally, learn all the sentences and dialogues necessary to discuss numbers effectively.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct subject pronoun in Spanish.

  1. ___ (I) soy profesor.
  2. ___ (You, informal) eres estudiante.
  3. ___ (They, masculine) son médicos.

Exercise 2: Match the Pronouns

Match the English pronouns with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. We (masculine)
  2. You all (informal, used in Spain)
  3. Hers

a. Vosotros
b. Suyo
c. Nosotros

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. They see us.
  2. I give you the book.
  3. The house is ours.

Exercise 4: Write the Pronouns

Write the Spanish pronouns for the following English words.

  1. Myself
  2. Yours (informal)
  3. Them (direct object pronoun)

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books