Title of the document

Sports Vocabulary in Spanish


Learning sports vocabulary is useful for discussing hobbies, interests, and activities. This lesson will introduce you to common sports terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Sports Vocabulary

  • Soccer - el fútbol
  • Basketball - el baloncesto
  • Baseball - el béisbol
  • Tennis - el tenis
  • Volleyball - el voleibol
  • Swimming - la natación
  • Running - el atletismo / correr
  • Cycling - el ciclismo
  • Boxing - el boxeo
  • Golf - el golf
  • Skiing - el esquí
  • Gymnastics - la gimnasia
  • Hockey - el hockey
  • Surfing - el surf
  • Skateboarding - el skateboarding / el monopatinaje
  • Wrestling - la lucha libre
  • Rugby - el rugby
  • American football - el fútbol americano
  • Table tennis - el tenis de mesa
  • Martial arts - las artes marciales

Pronunciation Guide

  • El fútbol: [el FOOT-bol]
  • El baloncesto: [el ba-lon-SES-to]
  • El béisbol: [el BASE-bol]
  • El tenis: [el TE-nees]
  • El voleibol: [el vo-ley-BOL]
  • La natación: [la na-ta-SYON]
  • El atletismo: [el at-le-TIS-mo]
  • Correr: [ko-RRER]
  • El ciclismo: [el see-KLEES-mo]
  • El boxeo: [el bo-KSE-o]
  • El golf: [el golf]
  • El esquí: [el es-KEE]
  • La gimnasia: [la heem-NA-sya]
  • El hockey: [el HO-key]
  • El surf: [el surf]
  • El skateboarding: [el skate-BOARD-ing]
  • El monopatinaje: [el mo-no-pa-tee-NA-he]
  • La lucha libre: [la LOO-cha LEE-bre]
  • El rugby: [el RUG-bee]
  • El fútbol americano: [el FOOT-bol a-me-ree-KA-no]
  • El tenis de mesa: [el TE-nees de ME-sa]
  • Las artes marciales: [las AR-tes mar-SYA-les]

Common Phrases Using Sports Vocabulary

  1. Me gusta jugar al fútbol - I like to play soccer.
  2. Ella es buena en baloncesto - She is good at basketball.
  3. Vamos a nadar en la piscina - Let's go swimming in the pool.
  4. Él practica ciclismo los fines de semana - He practices cycling on weekends.
  5. Quiero aprender a surfear - I want to learn how to surf.
  6. El béisbol es muy popular en Estados Unidos - Baseball is very popular in the United States.
  7. Ellos juegan al tenis todos los días - They play tennis every day.
  8. Mi hermano está en el equipo de rugby - My brother is on the rugby team.
  9. La gimnasia requiere mucha flexibilidad - Gymnastics requires a lot of flexibility.
  10. Nos gusta ver partidos de hockey - We like to watch hockey games.

Learn all about sports through practical and conversational books designed to enhance your Spanish language skills. These resources not only cover the vocabulary related to various sports, such as soccer, basketball, tennis, and more, but also include essential sentences and dialogues. Whether you are talking about scoring, discussing game rules, or sharing your favorite team’s performance, these books offer comprehensive coverage. Additionally, they provide the necessary language tools to discuss numbers, from counting scores to understanding statistics, ensuring you can engage in detailed sports conversations confidently.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct sports vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Soccer - _____
  2. Basketball - _____
  3. Swimming - _____
  4. Tennis - _____
  5. Baseball - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Cycling
  2. Volleyball
  3. Golf
  4. Boxing
  5. Skiing

a. el golf
b. el esquí
c. el boxeo
d. el ciclismo
e. el voleibol

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I like to play basketball.
  2. She is good at gymnastics.
  3. Let's go swimming.
  4. He practices boxing every day.
  5. Do you play tennis?

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books