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Supermarket Vocabulary in Spanish

Learning supermarket vocabulary is essential for discussing shopping, groceries, and household items. This lesson will introduce you to common supermarket terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Supermarket Vocabulary

  • Supermarket - el supermercado
  • Store - la tienda
  • Aisle - el pasillo
  • Cart - el carrito
  • Basket - la cesta
  • Cash register - la caja registradora
  • Cashier - el cajero / la cajera
  • Customer - el cliente / la clienta
  • Shelf - el estante
  • Sale - la oferta
  • Discount - el descuento
  • Price - el precio
  • Receipt - el recibo
  • Bag - la bolsa

Food and Drink Vocabulary

  • Fruit - la fruta
  • Vegetable - la verdura
  • Meat - la carne
  • Fish - el pescado
  • Chicken - el pollo
  • Bread - el pan
  • Milk - la leche
  • Cheese - el queso
  • Eggs - los huevos
  • Butter - la mantequilla
  • Yogurt - el yogur
  • Juice - el jugo
  • Water - el agua
  • Soda - el refresco
  • Wine - el vino
  • Beer - la cerveza

Household Items Vocabulary

  • Soap - el jabón
  • Detergent - el detergente
  • Shampoo - el champú
  • Toothpaste - la pasta de dientes
  • Toilet paper - el papel higiénico
  • Paper towel - la toalla de papel
  • Cleaning supplies - los productos de limpieza

Pronunciation Guide

  • El supermercado: [el soo-per-mehr-KA-do]
  • La tienda: [la TYEHN-da]
  • El pasillo: [el pa-SEE-yo]
  • El carrito: [el ka-RREE-to]
  • La cesta: [la SES-ta]
  • La caja registradora: [la KA-ha re-hees-tro-DA-ra]
  • El cajero / la cajera: [el ka-HYE-ro / la ka-HYE-ra]
  • El cliente / la clienta: [el klee-EN-te / la klee-EN-ta]
  • El estante: [el es-TAN-te]
  • La oferta: [la o-FER-ta]
  • El descuento: [el des-KWEN-to]
  • El precio: [el PRE-syo]
  • El recibo: [el re-SEE-bo]
  • La bolsa: [la BOL-sa]
  • La fruta: [la FROO-ta]
  • La verdura: [la ver-DOO-ra]
  • La carne: [la KAR-ne]
  • El pescado: [el pes-KA-do]
  • El pollo: [el PO-yo]
  • El pan: [el PAN]
  • La leche: [la LE-che]
  • El queso: [el KE-so]
  • Los huevos: [los WE-vos]
  • La mantequilla: [la man-te-KEE-ya]
  • El yogur: [el yo-GOOR]
  • El jugo: [el HOO-go]
  • El agua: [el A-gwa]
  • El refresco: [el re-FRES-ko]
  • El vino: [el VEE-no]
  • La cerveza: [la ser-VE-sa]
  • El jabón: [el ha-BON]
  • El detergente: [el de-ter-HEN-te]
  • El champú: [el cham-POO]
  • La pasta de dientes: [la PAS-ta de DYEN-tes]
  • El papel higiénico: [el pa-PEL ee-HYE-nee-ko]
  • La toalla de papel: [la to-A-ya de pa-PEL]
  • Los productos de limpieza: [los pro-DUK-tos de leem-PYE-sa]

Master supermarket vocabulary with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential terms and dialogues for shopping, ensuring you can confidently discuss groceries, navigate aisles, and interact with store staff.

Common Phrases Using Supermarket Vocabulary

  1. Voy al supermercado - I am going to the supermarket.
  2. Necesito un carrito - I need a cart.
  3. ¿Dónde están los productos de limpieza? - Where are the cleaning supplies?
  4. La carne está en el pasillo tres - The meat is in aisle three.
  5. Hay una oferta en el queso - There is a sale on cheese.
  6. El precio de los huevos ha subido - The price of eggs has gone up.
  7. La caja registradora está al final del pasillo - The cash register is at the end of the aisle.
  8. ¿Puede darme una bolsa, por favor? - Can you give me a bag, please?
  9. Tengo un descuento en esta compra - I have a discount on this purchase.
  10. Guarde el recibo, por favor - Keep the receipt, please.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct supermarket vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Cart - _____
  2. Shelf - _____
  3. Discount - _____
  4. Cashier - _____
  5. Receipt - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Basket
  2. Customer
  3. Sale
  4. Cash register
  5. Price

a. la caja registradora
b. la oferta
c. la cesta
d. el precio
e. el cliente / la clienta

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I am going to the supermarket.
  2. Where are the fruits?
  3. There is a discount on milk.
  4. The cashier is friendly.
  5. Can you give me a bag, please?

Exercise 4: Write the Vocabulary

Write the Spanish names for the following items.

  1. Eggs
  2. Bread
  3. Soap
  4. Yogurt
  5. Butter

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books