Title of the document

Transportation Vocabulary in Spanish


Learning transportation vocabulary is essential for discussing travel plans, giving directions, and understanding different modes of transportation. This lesson will introduce you to common transportation terms in Spanish, along with their pronunciation, common phrases, and exercises to help you practice.

Common Transportation Vocabulary

  • Car - el coche / el carro
  • Bus - el autobús
  • Train - el tren
  • Bicycle - la bicicleta
  • Motorcycle - la motocicleta / la moto
  • Airplane - el avión
  • Boat - el barco
  • Ship - el buque
  • Taxi - el taxi
  • Subway - el metro
  • Tram - el tranvía
  • Truck - el camión
  • Van - la furgoneta
  • Scooter - el escúter
  • Helicopter - el helicóptero
  • Ferry - el ferry
  • Cable car - el teleférico
  • Hot air balloon - el globo aerostático
  • Skateboard - el monopatín
  • Rollerblades - los patines en línea

Pronunciation Guide

  • El coche / el carro: [el KO-che / el KA-rro]
  • El autobús: [el ow-to-BOOS]
  • El tren: [el tren]
  • La bicicleta: [la bee-see-KLE-ta]
  • La motocicleta / la moto: [la mo-to-see-KLE-ta / la MO-to]
  • El avión: [el a-vee-ON]
  • El barco: [el BAR-ko]
  • El buque: [el BU-ke]
  • El taxi: [el TAK-see]
  • El metro: [el ME-tro]
  • El tranvía: [el tran-VEE-a]
  • El camión: [el ka-MYON]
  • La furgoneta: [la fur-go-NE-ta]
  • El escúter: [el es-KOO-ter]
  • El helicóptero: [el e-lee-KOP-te-ro]
  • El ferry: [el FE-ree]
  • El teleférico: [el te-le-FE-ree-ko]
  • El globo aerostático: [el GLO-bo a-e-ro-STA-ti-ko]
  • El monopatín: [el mo-no-pa-TEEN]
  • Los patines en línea: [los pa-TEE-nes en LEE-ne-a]

Common Phrases Using Transportation Vocabulary

  1. Voy en coche al trabajo - I go to work by car.
  2. Ella toma el autobús todos los días - She takes the bus every day.
  3. ¿Dónde está la estación de tren? - Where is the train station?
  4. Vamos en bicicleta al parque - We go to the park by bicycle.
  5. El avión llega a las cinco - The airplane arrives at five.
  6. El taxi está esperando afuera - The taxi is waiting outside.
  7. ¿Cómo llego al metro? - How do I get to the subway?
  8. Me gusta montar en motocicleta - I like to ride a motorcycle.
  9. Tomamos un ferry a la isla - We take a ferry to the island.
  10. El helicóptero sobrevuela la ciudad - The helicopter flies over the city.

Master transportation vocabulary with practical books designed to enhance your Spanish skills. These resources cover essential terms and dialogues for discussing various modes of transport, ensuring you can confidently navigate conversations about travel and transportation.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct transportation vocabulary in Spanish.

  1. Car - _____
  2. Bicycle - _____
  3. Airplane - _____
  4. Subway - _____
  5. Boat - _____

Exercise 2: Match the Vocabulary

Match the English terms with their Spanish counterparts.

  1. Bus
  2. Train
  3. Motorcycle
  4. Taxi
  5. Helicopter

a. el tren
b. el taxi
c. el helicóptero
d. el autobús
e. la motocicleta

Exercise 3: Translate the Sentences

Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.

  1. I go to work by bus.
  2. She takes the subway every day.
  3. Where is the bicycle shop?
  4. We travel by airplane.
  5. The boat is at the dock.

Exercise 4: Write the Vocabulary

Write the Spanish names for the following transportation methods.

  1. Truck
  2. Scooter
  3. Tram
  4. Van
  5. Skateboard

"A series of books for learning the Spanish language from scratch."

Series of Spanish Learning Books

We present a series of books designed to teach Spanish from scratch in Arabic. Currently, we have five different books in the series, which are as follows:

  1. Conversation Book
  2. Two Practice Books
  3. Two Grammar Books